Sister Minister Debra
I first want to give God the glory of this testimony of what God can do when you stay humble and submissive to God and the leaders that God has placed into your lives. The very 1st time I have ever been to a church and became a member of a church, I was 9 years old. Before that, I had no clue or knowledge of the church. In other words, I didn’t know The Lord Jesus Christ at all. But the day my mother got saved from her sins, every Sunday I was in church. And, every Wednesday night in prayer and bible study.
All the years that my late great Archbishop, Roy E. Brown preached and taught us the holy word of God from Genesis to Revelation and all of the altar calls, he called the entire church down to the altar. I didn’t understand why I couldn’t get healed in my body. Yes, although he taught us about healing and faith, to me, as a 9-year-old child, all I understood was you gotta have faith to believe that God can heal you.
But being a child, I thought this way just believe and ask God to heal you from health problems and when the altar call was over, I thought for sure that, that night, God was going to heal because HE didn’t do it the alter. I woke the next morning crying and saying, “God why didn’t you heal me like Archbishop Brown taught in church? I was so upset with God that I even told Him that I’m not going to believe in You ever again. But that’s coming from the mouth of a 9-year-old little girl who felt God loved her enough to heal her. The mind of children. But thank God for the later years.
Since being under my new leaders, God has given me so much knowledge and understanding, through my leaders, Prophet Walls and Minister Walls. You see I’m no longer that little girl whose knowledge and understanding weren’t fully developed yet. Ooh, but praise be unto God Almighty for being taught God’s holy word and gaining knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.
I now know and understand what it means to learn about faith
One reply on “Since being under my new leaders”
I am truly blessed, to God be all the glory.
For God has truly made me a new creature in Him and His ways.