
Since I’ve come into this church

Testimonial by Brother Olivier

I vividly remember my first encounter with Pastor Walls. About 4 months ago, It was just after dusk when I had been packing up my tools and equipment, one of my last tasks for the day before leaving the store’s worksite. I began to decompress my mind, preparing for my long drive back to the hotel. I had been so diligent to reach this point, I remember having encouraged my thoughts. Maintaining my focus on completing work would surely bring the fruits I was seeking. 

Hard work is not in vain, surely wherever my efforts and aspirations are, at least by making it to the end of my tasks set out, my future would manifest the lessons that I may find in what I do through God. I trusted in what was ahead of me and I should open myself and my heart as I walk, leaving the store’s building to the parking through the valley of cars and towards my vehicle guided by this. It was at this moment In the parking lot, I heard a familiar voice say “that was great work you did back there young man”,surprised and glad that someone had both noticed and gone out of their way to acknowledge me. 

I began to turn around to see him, since I did not see anyone I was able to immediately identify. This voice reached me effectively considering the bustling of my own thoughts. These words were profound, I must have known this person earlier whilst working. When my eyes found their target I quickly realised I could not have known this person. “Thank you sir!” I said “I appreciate that” I had crossed paths with enough people in the store, distracted by working that I rarely met strangers if at all. Maybe I had forgotten him. It was the beginning of a conversation that lasted the next hour and a half, that of which I would know for much longer. 

During this it had become apparent that though our conversation had not happened before, it was one that was planned. By the end of this conversation, I had reaffirmed my choice with the help of Pastor Walls to have above all things, a fulfilling life. My life has changed tremendously since we’ve met. Since I’ve come into this church I have grown my relationship with Christ so much that I can witness the works of God in almost every area of life. I have learned so much about spirituality. I have become a different person with new tools to perceive the world and hear God like never before. My senses have changed through understanding so much that I see what I was unable to see before. Who I once was before has become foreign to me, a shadow of who I am now. My encounter with Pastor Walls has been a change of tune for my life. I am grateful for the opportunity to listen to his words. My faith has multiplied to levels I did not know I had. Without this interaction, there’s no telling where I would be. Glory be to God for making this happen and bringing me into a new light.

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