Tawanna Wiggins Testimony

Testimony of Healing in The Back

On the conference call Pastor Walls had us say the prayer where we denounce the things in our mind that we accpeted from the past that was not of God.  The Lord delivered my mind from old baggage, my thinking and setbacks. The Lord renewed my mind where the enemy had me bound in my mind. I was so stuck in my mind that I was always talking about past things. It was so bad that my husband was always telling me not look back on the past but look to the future. I was trying so hard to do that but always seem to go back to talking about the past. Now my mind is clear and now I know how to fight the enemy againist my mind. I don’t have to accept any evil thoughts because now I know how to cast it down. I really struggled with this all my life. When I accepted Christ as my Saviour it got worse and I was never taught how to cast thoughts and imaginations down. It was a real battle for me in my mind.  I have so much peace in my mind and around me. I have never felt this free and good.

I also heard Pastor Walls say on the conference call that God was straighting up backs and that someone was not going to have to go to the chiropratic no more. I had been going to the chiropractic on/off for years with my back due to being hit in the back in car accidents. I believe that the Lord has healed my back too because I noticed how my feet are more level on the ground and I remember they would only feel like this after I came back from the chiropractic. I feel like God has healed my back because the way my feet feel when I stand up and walk. I am so excited about what God is doing in my body. He is restoring my body. I am so grateful to the Lord.

Love and Blessings,

Tawanna Wiggins

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